
my photo

Picture by Dinox ❤️


My name is Gabriele Girelli (/Ga'brjɛle/), but everybody calls me GG (/jj/)!

I am a computational biologist from northern Italy ( Verona) currently based in Sweden ( Stockholm), where I concluded my Ph.D. studies at the Bienko Lab for the Quantitative Biology of the Nucleus, Karolinska Institutet, in May 2021.

Since January 2022, I joined the 10x Genomics team at the Stockholm site as a Computational Biologist II.

Check out my LinkedIn profile for more info about my education and career, and my GitHub page for my public tools and scripts. To find a way to contact me, check out my virtual business card!🤓

…this website

Filopoe.it was born from the Albergo Filopoetica public forum (do NOT go there!!! Photobucket broke the poor old thing down… 😱).

Now this is more of a private blog, although I am planning to host some friends and contacts every now and then.

Also, the filopoe.it domain is officially “dead” as it only redirects to ggirelli.info.

(Updated: )