- [ ] Move data for lunr index to separate page and asynchronously read it via AJAX.
- [ ] Update layout of tags/categories pages.
- [ ] Add "notes" page and post collection.
- [ ] Update ToS/Privacy statement with links to hosts and DNS policies.
- [ ] Add badges: https://indieweb.org/buttons
- [ ] Add an accessibility statement


## 2022, Nov 09 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Changed
- Added queries to break author links based on screen width.

## 2022, Nov 07 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Mastodon link to homepage.

## 2022, Oct 02 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Removed
- Page share buttons.
### Fixed
- Popper.js dependency.

## 2022, Sep 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Removed
- Disabled showing of webmentions on the website.

## 2022, Sep 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Changed
- Drop gravatar and use local images.
- Host font-awesome instead of using remote kit.
- Use self-hosted Bootstrap css/js files.
- Use self-hosted GoogleFonts.
- Drop the Jemoji gem and use pure emojis.

## 2022, Sep 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Backend mechanic to handle different error types.
### Changed
- Removed pagination from social posts.
- Extend dark theme to footer and header.

## 2022, Sep 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Ko-fi link to homepage.

## 2022, Sep 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Changed
- Simplified website's DOM.
- Working on fixing webmentions.

## 2022, Sep 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Changed
- Merged bookmarks, likes, and RSVPs pages into a single social page.
- Made RSVPs, likes, and bookmarks collections searchable via lunr.

## 2022, Sep 04 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Fixed
- Tooltips, especially on author pages.

## 2022, Sep 03 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Changed
- Beautified interactive menu.
### Fixed
- Lunr and interactive menu are now compatible.

## 2022, Sep 02 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Changed
- Search results are now showed in an offcanvas.

## 2022, Sep 01 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Easter egg menu (still not functional).
### Changed
- Updated Bootstrap to v5.2.0
- About page.

## 2022, Aug 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Picture and note to h-card.

## 2022, Aug 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Automatic cover credits when image is not used as background.
### Changed
- Use automatic unsplash credit on tag and categories page.
### Fixed
- Compatibility with Ruby 3.1.2.
- TOC links in tags and categories page.

## 2022, Feb 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Fixed
- Aligned both top-fixed panels.
- Me-pages back button now correctly shows to top-left corner.
- Fixed background image on tag and categories index page.

## 2022, Feb 09 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Changed
- Fixed .mainheading width in narrow posts.
- Enforced maximum width of 2000px site-wide.
- Website background is not full white but slightly cyan now.

## 2022, Jan 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- IndieWebring to footer.
## 2021, Sep 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Unsplash link on landing page.
- Changed color and title of indieweb button.

## 2021, Sep 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- "compress.html" layout.
### Changed
- Activated Gist dark theme on dark themed pages.
- Moved stylesheets and scripts to the end of the page.
### Fixed
- Dropped "linenos" in rouge code highlighting due to incompatibility
  with compression layout.

## 2021, Aug 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- "narrow_post" option to pages and posts that decreases font size and line
  height, and sets maximum width to 600 px.
- RSS feed for indieweb bookmarks, likes, and RSVPs.
### Changed
- After post section now includes date, syndications, tags and categories in the
  same area.
- Softened contrast of dark theme pages.
- Removed indieweb index page.
### Fixed
- Share buttons using z-index and relative position.

## 2021, Aug 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Likes page.
### Changed
- Updated bookmark layout to include navigation.

## 2021, Aug 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Changed
- Switched to `easy-webmention-js` v1.0.1 and updated webmention CSSs.

## 2021, Aug 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Fixed
- ToC background when use_dark_theme is true.
### Added
- Published article on setting up a personal static website with Jekyll and
  GitHub pages.

## 2021, Aug 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------
### Added
- Added Changelog link to footer.
### Changed
- RSVP and Bookmark pages as separate collections.
  Using the `u-bookmark-of` and `u-in-reply-to` microformats.
  Hosted at `/rsvps` and `/bookmarks`.
- Moved ToS page to `/tos`.
### Fixed
- Issue with vertical monitor size and overlapping floating footer.
  Solved by setting overflow to scroll for main container for displayes
  with height lower than 600px. This disables floating sidebars.
- ToC in Category page.
- ToC and feed link in Tag page.

(Updated: )