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New year's resolution

  Yes, it’s 2022. The new year came with things we wished would end still wreaking havoc on this forsaken land. At the same time, many of us kept postponing...

Gita sull'isola del Garda

Qualche giorno fa sono stato in gita sull’isola del Garda con i miei genitori, con partenza in barca da Desenzano del Garda. Una volta giunti sull’isola siamo stati subito accolti...

6 steps to own your content
with a personal static website!

In this article I will explain how to freely host a brand new static website online in six steps, using GitHub pages and Jekyll. Basically, this is a short guide...

R's need for speed:
plotting millions of points in seconds!

Have you ever had to generate a scatterplot with one million points, or more? As a bioinformatician working in the academia, and specifically on large datasets, this happens to me...

Webmentions: letting Disqus go

I have taken a clear direction in this ever more connected life: trying to retain possession of my content and privacy. Let me explain. Privacy and content ownership I was...

A new skin! (again)

The website got a new skin, again. I feel energized again after defending my Ph.D. thesis, and I want to get into the habit of writing at least one page...