Archive of posts with category 'code'

[SOLVED] Blown out Steam UI on Ubuntu 23.04, 4K display

I just opened steam to chill playing Dredge (go check it out if you haven’t heard about it! 🎣) to find out that suddenly a steam client update broke the...

Ubuntu 23.04 - Lunar Lobster πŸŒ•πŸ¦ž

I just upgraded my main workstation from Ubuntu 22.10 to 23.04 (Lunar Lobster). While the process itself was pretty seamless, I hit a few minor bumps afterwards. Here I am...

[Solved] Fix Ubuntu's broken Firefox+1Password integration

⚠️ DISCLAIMER: this article contains potentially triggering amounts of facepalms ⚠️ For a while I have been wondering why the 1Password app would seamlessly integrate with Chrome but not on...

A new interactive menu!

Β  Did you know that GitHub has an extremely powerful command palette that you can access by simply pressing the Ctrl+k buttons? If you didn’t, you are welcome πŸ˜‰ I...

[solved] Ubuntu 22.04 with ZFS root boot stuck at GNU Grub 2.06

My home workstation runs on Ubuntu 22.04 and this week, for the first time, I suspended it instead of turning it off. Everything worked well when after a few hours...

Installing Ruby on Ubuntu 22.04

Almost exactly one year ago (:scream: time flies!) I posted a 6-step guide on how to start your own Jekyll static website (check out the link if interest). Now, after...

6 steps to own your content
with a personal static website!

In this article I will explain how to freely host a brand new static website online in six steps, using GitHub pages and Jekyll. Basically, this is a short guide...

R's need for speed:
plotting millions of points in seconds!

Have you ever had to generate a scatterplot with one million points, or more? As a bioinformatician working in the academia, and specifically on large datasets, this happens to me...

Webmentions: letting Disqus go

I have taken a clear direction in this ever more connected life: trying to retain possession of my content and privacy. Let me explain. Privacy and content ownership I was...

Printer-styled range in Python:
a case study

Recently, I had to convert a printer-styled range string into the corresponding list of selected elements. This made for a nice case study on Python class properties, iterability, length, and...